Metropolis - by Oshay Peace

A rustle of feet trample the overworked gray stone, seasoned with all manner of the disregarded. From burnt tobacco butts to broken bottle caps, to a homeless soul napping all clad in a cardboard wrapping.

Honking horns only to warn those who are indisposed to not looking both ways. This pissed off hive moves franticly and purposely. It's abuzz with life, yet lifeless.

Large motherships sail the black asphalt seas. The token, waiting patiently and impatiently at loading docks to and fro.

The Faceless have nowhere to be and precisely nowhere to go. Rojo, Verde and Amarillo control the tidal flow. Countless towers all a strewn with mirrored glass. Clouds are greeted by reflections staring back at them. Together.…All take part to undo our consciousness, en masse…….

Sunday Dinner - by Oshay Peace

All are invited to Grandma’s house to dine like kings!
She cooked it all and everything!
Granny’s banquet was being prepared before high noon! One should never arrive too soon or even worse too late.

Rest assured, no one would shed a tear for a late attendee’s foodless plate. Tender Collard Greens being courted exclusively by smoked ham hocks in a rather large old pot. Slow simmered to perfection and seasoned at her discretion. Two oven roasted Hens, share a pan all crispy golden and tan. A casserole dish still steaming hot…. Damn that macaroni and cheese. I love it and I mean a lot!

Sweet corn on the cob sweating all that butter. Candied yams swimming in sweet sticky goodness. This is too much for one plate to handle. A parboiled rice and some black-eyed peas to make it nice! A delicious, giblet gravy to drown all manner of morsels like the fossils of La Brea Tar pit.

Please no more food! This must be it! Grandma I surrender this palate has reached its maximum intake. And then finally it arrives…. A dessert tray displaying a rainbow of cakes. But the one that placed my attention in a full nelson was that Red Velvet Cake. All the neighbors came as the EMS carted me off on a gurney. As I lie there looking up at the bewildered with gravy all about my cheeks. Please Grandma save me a seat because I will be back next week……….

Rain - by Oshay Peace

Tap lightly…. Tap lightly…. upon my pane
Make it all go away….as quickly as you came
Tap lightly upon my window pane
Bring about the happiness
Its joy filled cups to the brim
I watched you walk away
I let you walk away….in the rain
A face drenched with tears...I failed to see
The weight of a million angels weeping down upon me
All of Heaven shares this pain
Watching me… Watching you. Walk away from me…

Silvia - by Oshay Peace

Your beauty haunts me and welcomes me like an angelic apparition
Elegant lips…I gently trace with thirsty lips
Adoring eyes follow every sensuous curve slowly
She has a certain way of making her presence known to me
I cling to a smile and endure all the carnal pleasures you had bestowed upon me
A smile which is led by a hand clutching a single wilted rose
Your words have stung this old heart on many occasion
Only a fool would try to counter this pain with tender persuasion
A day with you is akin to a mid-summer sun
Its rays greet you an overbearing warmth
But a night of distance between us beckons the coldness of a winter night
No blanket can warm a frozen heart
The sweetest of words, have failed to bring forth that spark…

America - by Oshay Peace

How did we get here?
When did we arrive to the point of uncaring? Our damsel is in distress but yet we would rather stand there staring and point fingers.

Mankind has forgotten its kindness...Eyes wide open only to be blinded by hate.
The cupboard of love is bare
We speak what's on our minds but not what's in our hearts...No one cares.

I can feel all the hate in the air

It's so's hard to breathe. So much tension
We are way past due on love
Can this nation get an extension?
All the anger and frustration
For all the wrong reasons...

After Hours - by Oshay Peace

We will let go of our inhibitions;
No restrictions to impair our quest to achieve the pinnacle of pleasure.
You have given me the key to unlock your most hidden treasure;
There will be no one to disturb us.

We have nothing but a blanket of darkness to conceal us;
The sound of two beating hearts identifies us;
We kiss slowly as eager tongues entwine;
Your beauteous physique all on top of mine.

I touch every part of you with gentle lips;
My willing mouth will nurse on every inch of you from pinky toe to fingertip;
This is an art and we are artists,
You and I.

With every stroke a masterpiece has been created;
This bed is our canvas;
And tonight, we shall paint the perfect portrait of ecstasy.

My Dream - by Oshay Peace

What I seek…. perhaps can never be!
Oh, what a glorious dream it would be.

Let us imagine a world not defined by hate,
And acts of kindness wouldn’t be so random,
But would be the norm for one and all!

A cornucopia of kindness filled with a veritable smorgasbord of sensibility!
Can you just imagine a place?

Oh! But why dream of the impossible you ask?
I counter with "why do the undignified"?
Which one is easier to do?
Which one better benefits me and you?

"I can’t do this alone", is my plea to you
But together, this dream can be made true.

Boudoir - by Oshay Peace

We touch what is meant to be felt
From the fall moon’s heat, together we melt
Say no more!
Say no more!
Let us speak in tongues
I have survived a day without you
And now an endless night is to be shared
All inhibitions to be bared and set free
All desires fulfilled and dreams enacted
All indiscretions shall be tamed with proper directions
And our emotions are set in motion, on a wave of craving!
Nothing can compare!
Nothing can compare!
Meet me there!
Meet me there!
‘Tis a singular place that we shall meet
You know the one, with down-filled pillows and silken sheets?

Awakened Silence - by Oshay Peace

Listen, and tell me…what do you hear?

Only silence.

No voice to recall and reminisce of past happiness. Only the utter stillness awaits, to greet me with open arms.

As winds lie motionless and the waters placidly still. These utterances are said often but never heard. Come and witness the beautiful voicelessness of a songbird. It refuses to sing for the ignoble…

What mockery is this? A stranger’s name written in the great book, instead of mine. I shall not stand idle with a held tongue! And just who is this stranger sporting a rather, insidious grin?

Perhaps, it would be wise to cover your ears, because the breaking of his silence is about to begin…

All of Me - by Oshay Peace

Who are you? And better yet, what do you want from me?

I cannot give what I do not have…

Love is something that is truly, almost unreal to me. I have been betrayed by its smile and kindness only to be abandoned within a loner’s wilderness.

I will confess my imperfections to all who enquire!
They were all well documented in a tiny book. The one that made me laugh so uncontrollably as it was tossed into a fire.

So, here it is! Take it! It was yours from the start.

Besides… who would want a tarnished and discarded heart?
I only ask that you treat it kindly…
Yes, these are tears from being sad…
Because, I am giving you all of me…
And that’s all that I have…

Today - by Oshay Peace

It all began as the sun arose from the dust filled mountains in the horizon.

The coolness of the night still held strong against the ever approaching day.

I stared at the ceiling, from the comfort of a bed too small for an average man. Some numbers glow dimly from a clock on the night stand. To reduce the blurred image, my glasses are put on and I see 5:59 a.m.’s impeding presence.

The alarm clock’s chime is never allowed to ring. For some unknown reason I’ve been waking up a full minute before it is set to go off every morning.

This continual lapse of 60 seconds has become a part of me. This is how it all began…


Hope - by Oshay Peace

Along with you I stood
By your side...I remain

And nothing before...
And rightfully so, nothing after...

I cater to joyous laughter, outright
One dim light....with all the weight of humanity
upon weary shoulders
Struggle as it may against all the odds of lost dignity

What a pity!
Oh... what a pity!
There was a time when all things mattered to all

One dim light shines for those
who seek it with true benevolence
It's there!...Among the rubbish
And refuse...refusing to be extinguished

The Storm - by Oshay Peace

Lightning flashes, casting dancing shadows upon a bare bedroom wall. Countless raindrops tap lightly on a worn window-pane.

The sound of thunder echoes loudly as two dark figures writhe in an ancient but instinctive rhythm. Scented candles, rose petal-ladened sheets and an empty wine bottle may have sparked a fire that once was never there.

They seem oblivious to nature's omnipotent fury. Perhaps to be blindfolded; might also impair one's vision.

While chaotic energies rage beyond man-made walls, a quiet storm ensues within. Interlocking hands tighten and grasp with sweat moistened fingers. They begged for relief and found it in each other.

The muffled sound of two hearts pounding and racing together would make the sound of a summer storm; seem a mere whisper...

Fire Ants - by Oshay Peace

A mountain in the backyard stands tall.
The towering, green grass surrounds it like Georgia Pines.

This lawn pimple must go away!

A little boy crashed his Hot Wheels car into said mountain.
Why do screams now come from the backyard?
He had to crash his car into the mountain, and now the mountain is alive and angry!

This mountain must go today and not tomorrow!

The Queen has decreed this to the King of the castle…

The Dark Woods - by Oshay Peace

Within the dark wood it lurks with no shape or form to call its own.

The damp, cobweb-filled corners of the mind harbor it.

Hate and envy are its life blood. A trembling hand reaches forth to grasp the nothingness.

The bare skeletons of trees stand leafless and decrepit. With an unwilling body and soul...deeper still I go into the dark wood.

I observe a full moon sailing through a cloud-riddled sky…

With untrusting ears I discern a thousand voices whispering. “Come join us.” Has my time come? Perhaps...I should go with them.

But this can not be.

Has the reality called 'life' betrayed me?

Can the truth be seen with open eyes?

Fear not the end.

It's not reasoning enough to cry…the lone raven answers with great conviction, screaming:


Le Doux Parfum - by Oshay Peace

A slight breeze, enticed my nostrils with the sweet aroma of perfume. The kind that only a beautiful woman of distinction and sophistication would grace....

As these two eyes closed, mentally I envisioned what this vixen might look like... And then submissively....listen. My ears smile… from hearing the tell-tale click-clack of high heels, at least 4 inches tall on hardwood floors. And yet she wore those radiating a confidence that was made known to all... A pair handcrafted of Italian leather, in a black patent color.

I sit and wait as the cadence of those shoes grows closer and closer. With eyes wide open I see a silhouette of goddess proportions approaching. Her evening dress hugs every dip and rise without compromise.

The smoothness of silk could only be so attached to a body. Like a cookie dipped in milk. Mmmm… An inviting smile acknowledges my attention.

I stand to greet her with a kiss. Hello Baby, do you know what time it is? And as usual she ignores my words… Her response... I bought these shoes and dress but do you think the perfume goes with all of this?

All I can do is smile...

A Questioning of Love - by Oshay Peace

Do you speak from the heart? Or are your words simply words?

Will they up and fly away, like some untamed bird? I wish to keep them as a keepsake within a treasure chest.

Your thoughts are worth their weight in gold. Don’t deny what you’ve already been told. From an open mouth so many words sprung forth.

I am confused by this gibberish…Where does the end start? So I ask again: do you speak from the heart?

The Burden of Words - by Oshay Peace

One by one I count them.

A dozen or more fall to the floor.

Watch him thoroughly; he may decide to save some. Why pick them up? Because we must do the inexplicable to be considered just.

A simple rule is not meant to be broken by complicated conjecture. The art of compassion would make quite an interesting lecture.

I detest the unexplained with unyielding prejudice. All things have a purpose and a time. Its flavor mellows with age like a fine wine.

Oh, how the agony of waiting patiently tortures me. Your sun will shine in due time... in due time...

By the Sea - by Oshay Peace

On a moonlit night, we met by the sea. A bottle of shared wine would whisper sweet nothings, into willing ears...

As the waves teased and tickled, our lips gently caressed and tussled. The sand covered us like powdered sugar, as we rolled around and around.

With shameless fingers, I searched for the source of this ever encroaching heat; as we wrestled in the salty brine. But to my surprise... she found mine.

I could not speak as her flames engulfed me. As I lay there writhing in pleasure by the sea... I stared up at a moon, smiling down on me. A war of passion is not won or lost. But still... all was taken from me in a brief but blazing inferno!

I awoke the next morn... only to find that she was gone... No one should have pity for a man like me. A man that a woman left by the sea...

Blue Rose - by Oshay Peace

Can it be that such beauty was growing before blinded eyes? I have searched the world over to find you.

But the thorns of this broken heart concealed you. To obtain you…. I sought the unobtainable and I dreamed the unimaginable….The emptiness of this world seemed unbearable until….. I found you.

The rarest of the rare.

You are an anomaly that should not be. There is no answer to this equation. You and I were simply meant to be. What else can I do but yield my heart to you…Within these trembling hands I hold you. So many teardrops adorn your delicate petals like morning dew.

One rose stood alone, It blossomed from within a desert of nothingness…. being the color blue.