A slight breeze, enticed my nostrils with the sweet aroma of perfume. The kind that only a beautiful woman of distinction and sophistication would grace....
As these two eyes closed, mentally I envisioned what this vixen might look like... And then submissively....listen. My ears smile… from hearing the tell-tale click-clack of high heels, at least 4 inches tall on hardwood floors. And yet she wore those radiating a confidence that was made known to all... A pair handcrafted of Italian leather, in a black patent color.
I sit and wait as the cadence of those shoes grows closer and closer. With eyes wide open I see a silhouette of goddess proportions approaching. Her evening dress hugs every dip and rise without compromise.
The smoothness of silk could only be so attached to a body. Like a cookie dipped in milk. Mmmm… An inviting smile acknowledges my attention.
I stand to greet her with a kiss. Hello Baby, do you know what time it is? And as usual she ignores my words… Her response... I bought these shoes and dress but do you think the perfume goes with all of this?
All I can do is smile...