Metropolis - by Oshay Peace

A rustle of feet trample the overworked gray stone, seasoned with all manner of the disregarded. From burnt tobacco butts to broken bottle caps, to a homeless soul napping all clad in a cardboard wrapping.

Honking horns only to warn those who are indisposed to not looking both ways. This pissed off hive moves franticly and purposely. It's abuzz with life, yet lifeless.

Large motherships sail the black asphalt seas. The token, waiting patiently and impatiently at loading docks to and fro.

The Faceless have nowhere to be and precisely nowhere to go. Rojo, Verde and Amarillo control the tidal flow. Countless towers all a strewn with mirrored glass. Clouds are greeted by reflections staring back at them. Together.…All take part to undo our consciousness, en masse…….