spring rain
why have you blessed me again
my weight is heavy
my feet are worn
for years have I taken from you
more than enough blessings
than a woman alone can contain
I have smelt your fragrances
all of a different kind
I have tasted your juices
each a tasteful thirst quencher
my hair has grown strands of silver and gold
my smooth and soft skin
now has lines that have seen many a days
this frame has weakened
and knows not if
she has one more fight within her to give
do not misunderstand me
for I have dreamed of you again
for those years that you have given
have never brought the one
that my heart truly longs and desires
I wish not to make enemies
for you have always been more than beautiful
but if this your new and unexpected gift
has the same fragrances as before
then my heart will be hardened
towards you forever more.