Part 4
It was hard to keep a time line because Mike would only talk about the Bigfoot when he wasn't busy with something else. He was often helping people, working on his garden, and would sometimes make carvings. For all Jake knew the whole thing could be a set up maybe even a test. It was possible this assignment was injected into his life for a purpose. Tom knew the publisher. It could be a test of journalism skills. So far what Jake had noted was Mars people introduced humans about 150,000 years ago. They used their DNA and another primates to fuse together humans. The first humans were not as autonomous as the later models. Strong and easy to control but not intelligent enough for complex tasks. It took a few formulations but different types with different attributes were developed to mine the different climates. The people from Mars were created to settle and mine Mars in a similar fashion. They were made small to live off of small rations for long periods of time. The Mar's people or grey aliens lived for long periods of time. They had similar attributes as a super organism.
They could communicate with each other on things like projects short range. They would use more advanced technology to communicate long range. The Bigfoot doctrine is a bit different than our human version. Sasquatches are able to pass information genetically as well as orally. They could basically meditate and contact their ancestors and obtain information. The Bigfoot doctrine involving humans starts with an ancient encounter. A grey alien was probing the earth looking for minerals. It had gotten out to take a sample of the water and test it. The alien would frequent the same area. One time while out taking samples one of them had turned off it's protective field to take a crap. The ancient Bigfoot took advantage and trapped the alien. The ancient Bigfoot did not understand the aliens language but could understand it's thoughts. The alien was pleading for it's life.
The ancient Sasquatch wanted to know what they wanted and why. The alien showed him in his mind. They were interested in gold, mercury, silver, and other precious materials. In their thoughts the alien walked him through the spacecraft. The motor consisted of two cylinders one inside the other. They create opposing charges creating a rotating magnetic field. This creates electrons that then are ran through plates an insulators that increase the power. After this it goes through a device similar to a Tesla coil creating high frequency energy which excites a gas creating a type of plasma. The types of crafts the grey aliens used was the classic metallic spacecraft. The plasma is a heat source and also charges high energy weapons as well as protective fields. Some of the energy was also used to operate a superconducting device similar to what we use for a Mag-Lev train. The high energy could be used in different ways. For example a diamagnetic field can be generated to go into atmospheres as well as travel through water as easily as air. These systems it used for domestic travel and defense. The spacecraft itself was a super collider. The high frequency energy created and kept electrons and anti electrons suspended in a magnetic field inside of tiny tubing. The particles could be allowed to collide together and create a reaction generating huge amounts of energy. There were other charging devices that worked similar to focus fusion technology. Different amounts and frequency of energy were required for different tasks. The crafts have cloaking technology that work similar to a chameleon or octopus.
They are able to control how photons are refracted. The craft just looks like an invisible object when traveling at lower speeds. When long distances are traveled a more complicated technology is used. Even at the speed of light it takes time to travel across the universe. There are a couple of ways to overcome this. One is entangled particles which we use in quantum computers and photon experiments. Several entangled particles need to be generated and physically transported to a location. Great for known locations with known materials. The tricky part of sending something or someone in this method is making sure the same materials are available on the other end. Something is taken apart, destroyed, and then reassembled on the other side. Another way is to open up a sort of window in spacetime. This can be accomplished two ways. One is by achieving absolute zero in a field outside of the spacecraft. This allows the craft and content to operate as a wave rather than a particle and traveling through physical matter. A beacon is key for appearing in the right place in the physical world. The plasma energy could also be used to create a high energy field that emits an orange glow. These are the most common sightings because they are visible in our light wavelength. Basically it can travel from one side of the sky to another in an instant. When they take off they shoot straight up. There was another way as well but wasn't used as much as the other systems. Matter could be translated into information and particles such as neutrinos that travel faster than light. There were problems with this technology. Only single elements were sent this way. The problem with exceeding the speed of light is the further you travel the further back in time you go. The grey aliens were advanced but nowhere near the beings that created them. The Sasquatch realized that these beings were also responsible for his creation. They had planted the DNA on the earth. What was strange is the humans were closer to the original species than the grey aliens in appearance. This would cause problems during a visit. They were attracted to the women of earth. The relationships would often result in a type of super human like Gilgamesh. The original humans didn't have the same telemeres as later humans. Telemeres determine life span. The Sasquatch claims the first human is still around, well at least part of him. The problem with Adam is he can regenerate from a single cell. The grey aliens captured him and put him in a liquid that dissolves as fast as he can regenerate. The container is buried under the ice in Antarctica to slow the process further. The distant one is just waiting to be released like a genie in a bottle.
The Sasquatch wanted to crush the grey alien but the consequence would be a hunting party. The Sasquatch instead made a diplomatic decision. He would let the alien keep it's life if they would leave Sasquatches as well as forest animals and plants. The grey alien made the deal but would later use the human to hunt the Sasquatches. Technically they were keeping the deal. Unfortunately a ruthless being created the grey aliens. The larger beings had all kinds of personalities just like us. The one that created the grey aliens lacked empathy. He was called Mars by the Romans and Aries by the Greeks. Like to intimidate humans by hunting them down and using their skins to create hammocks. He was who checked on the operations. They would just sort of show up. They would just materialize but it would seem as if they had been there the whole time. Their technology was superior to the residents of Mars. They watch us now but would intervene in our lives in the past. After the ancient ancestor of the Sasquatch encountered the alien and let him go he decided to seek advice from another ancient. Kouplacaun is what we call a dragon who lived in the ocean near what is now South America.
The dragon was from the previous Era of life. It was basically an intelligent dinosaur. They were hunted to extinction by humans but not without a fight. The ancient Bigfoot who was then in what we call Asia or Eurasia built a vessel and headed across the sea. The dragon knew how future events would play out. The dragon later helped the Mayans chart the stars. The dragon worked everything out mathematically and had witnessed encounters in the past with the large beings. The earth at first was a hunting ground. Dinosaurs made great trophies and were tasty to them. The dragon on more than one occasion made them realize they were not invincible. Mike's story was getting out of hand for the moment. Aliens, Bigfoot, dragons, and humans. He told Mike he needed a break to make notes and organize information. He wondered if Mike had a supply of Magic mushrooms or something he wasn't telling him. Jake just thought take a break and get back to the job. For all he knew it was a test and his attention to details is what was important.