The Darkness - by Oshay Peace - Part 5

“WHAT ARE YOU!?” Where is my daughter? Where am I? My trembling body suspended above the ground helplessly, paralyzed with fear and confusion. This situation defied logical thinking all together. The glowing orb was now within arm’s reach! A voice speaks to me…... “Do you not remember?” You left me there all alone in the dark…. You left me to die! Who are you? I don’t… Countless memories rush through my mind one after another. I don’t know who you are! The glow began to fade slowly, as a dark figure oozed from the dying light onto the charred ground. It rose slowly with twitching and jerking movements. Each motion caused a horrible bone snapping sound that forced my heart to stutter its beating uncontrollably. The face was not there! It’s face was not there! A chocking, blood gurgling noise accompanied the percussion of the bone snare! I could not speak! I could not move! A river of tears flowed from eyes wide-open yet blinded by fear! A partially decomposed hand reaches forth to touch me! I close my eyes! I remember now! We had just left Matt’s party.

Me, Keith and Doug from high school. I was drinking. Hell, we all had too much and probably should have crashed at his place. Hey Keith, check this out man! Let’s see who is afraid of the darkness! What are you gonna do? I’m going to see how far I can drive with no headlights on! It was a new moon night…… Only a winding black road through the heavily wooded forest. I dare you! I double dare you! Doug yelled with a surprising enthusiasm. If you guys start crying like babies I’ll turn on the night lights for the both of you! I knew this stretch of road like an old friend! I knew its temperament, potholes, and curves.

Here we go! The lights are turned off! And gunned the engine! A rush of adrenaline fuelled by fear; rushes through every pour on my body! I’m screaming with joy! Immediately Keith starts begging me to turn them back on. Oh, now the little baby is getting scared! Just a little further we can at least make past the old logging road! As we neared the road I hit something so hard it cracked the windshield! And the ran it over! What Fuck was that!? We sled to a stop and got out. Instinctively reached back inside and turned on the headlights. Blood was everywhere! The bumper, hood and windshield had been splattered in a warm crimson.

What did we hit! Maybe it was just a deer…. Yea, that’s it a poor deer! I got a flashlight in the glovebox. I grabbed the light and illuminated an adjacent, deep draining ditch. He was there all mangled and struggling in the swift current. My heart was pounding as time stood still for me instantly! Hey, did you see anything? I had think this out thoroughly. We didn’t deserve jail time for this and have our whole lives ahead of us!

It's Uh…. just a very messed up deer! And it’s almost dead. You guys don’t want to see this. The storm water runoff is taking it down stream. Let’s get out here before a state trooper shows up! They normal patrol this back road. I didn’t want to drive anymore so Keith volunteered to get us back home. That man I had seen him in town. He was homeless but everyone called him Dale. He is a nobody that won’t be missed.

The Darkness - by Oshay Peace - Part 1

A setting sun granted countless shadows; the freedom of movement within the piney woods. The thought of walking back to the hunting camp became worrisome. I had been waiting patiently in an old deer stand all evening, and I hadn’t seen one single animal all day. Not even a bird chirping or flying about.

The squirrels were usually all over the baited corn pile, set-up about sixty yards away from me. Those furry bastards loved dried corn! It was as if all the wildlife had vanished. No wind or even a swarm of mosquitoes to keep me company. The air was strangely still and heavy. Something didn’t quite feel right about this entire day. This trip was planned a few weeks ago by me, David and one of his co-workers. But some things came up and they ended up cancelling at the last moment. I had decided had to go without them. The vacation day was already taken and I didn’t want to waste it. Besides, the wife insisted that I go.

I removed the .308 round from the chamber. And place the rifle strap over my shoulder and climbed down the creaky ladder stand. Once I reached the forest floor I unfastened the safety harness.

The damp pine straw clung to the dark mud as I walked precariously along the path. I reached for the flash-light to avoid any chance of tripping over a random tree root. The hairs on my neck and arms began to stand up and then, suddenly, no more light! The flash-light flickered a couple of times and died. Maybe the batteries were old? I had some spares in a vest pocket. Quickly they were put in but they lasted all of ten seconds before they perished.

A rush of fear swept in and cradled me like a baby. It was already too dark to find my way back. Instinctively, I knew my cellphone had to be of some help to me so I frantically reached for it. All hope had abandoned me in that one instant! The phone wasn’t alive either……It was just as dead and useless like that piece of shit flash-light and those shitty ass batteries! FUCK!

A faint crackling sound came from just ahead of me. The blinding light made me gasp for air as it materialized. I dropped to my knees and crawled behind a tree. Small electrical currents arched and danced all around the glowing, globe like sphere. As I pressed my back hard against the tree I closed my eyes. The warm tears cascaded downward upon cheeks frozen with fear. It could not be controlled. Every memory, thought and experience were completely revisited by a helpless self-conscience! I saw my wife in the kitchen cooking and our kids playing outback! Everything that was good in my life was being felt all over again! I felt like this was a dying man’s last request; to see it all again one last time…

The Darkness - by Oshay Peace - Part 2

I rested my forehead against shivering knee caps. The rifle was cast aside as a pair of nervous hands covered a confused head in disbelief. A false sense of security came from this shameful fetal position. What else could I do? I wanted whatever it was to go away!

A hot breath began to cover the back of my hands. Something was sniffing me! I felt a wet nose against trembling fingers, and the unmistakable sound of a very large bear grunting. With eyes wide open, a grizzly stared back into a helpless man’s soul. I couldn’t move as my own warm piss saturated my lower extremities… The light thing didn’t matter at this moment. It just stared at me. No blinking or moving. Just...watching me!

The warm air it exhaled steamed against the cool night air. My presence held its curiosity for what felt like an eternity. And then suddenly the big grizzly turned and walked away. The light! It was being drawn to that thing behind me. I had to take a chance and look. The silhouette of the bear, faded into nothingness against the bright sphere. I noticed countless shadows heading in its direction. They were of various shapes and sizes. The forest was alive with wildlife. I hadn’t seen any animals all evening. All of them were attracted to the glow.

"This can’t be good!" I thought. And one by one...they dropped. A herd of deer was felled instantly. Several wolves met the same fate. Whenever an animal got within ten feet, their life ended without apparent reason. I didn’t want to meet a similar fate. "Should I run deeper into the woods? Or should I stay behind this tree?"

And then it happened: the sphere began to slowly move towards me! As it got closer the air became heavy with electrical energy. Every small tree that contacted it spontaneously combusted. The flames were akin to a gasoline fire. Even the under-brush was being turned into smouldering embers. "Did this thing sense my presence?" The path leading to hunting camp was now engulfed in flames. I had to make a move. There must be something that I can do… The rifle!

I searched feverishly thorough the numerous pockets of the hunting vest. I found the hollow point .308 rounds that were never used except for target shooting. Three bullets fell to the ground before terrified fingers finally managed to get one in the chamber! This thing…this energy…whatever it is! "I’m about to introduce you to two a couple of friends of mine! SMITH&WESSON!” As I peered through scope, the blinding light overwhelmed my ability to acquire the target. So, I just aimed for the light and took a deep breath and fired.

The Darkness - by Oshay Peace - Part 3

I gritted my teeth and braced, as the large caliber bullet exited the cold iron with an omnipotent clap of thunder! An already racing heart, involuntarily skipped a beat from the gun’s kickback. I had shot with this rifle hundreds of times at the gun range, along with a dozen other weapons. But for some reason it felt like it was my first. Maybe deep inside I already knew that the outcome wasn’t going to be good. The thought of staring into HELL itself would make any man question his very existence. Was this just some crazy nightmare that would be over in the morning? I was never the church-going type. The thought of there even being a God made me chuckle inside! Besides only the uneducated believed in such foolishness. But I...prayed as I took aim at that monster! I begged Him for help. I pleaded to be with my family again.

The single round struck!

                                              *                       *                        *

"Good morning Mrs. Ronal, I have another colleague of mine who is the Chief Neurologist at the medical school. The entire medical staff here is comprised of professors who teach residents at the University. Dr. Gerdau may be able to shed some light on this situation. It’s been exactly ninety days since your husband’s unfortunate accident. For him to survive a fall from that height is a miracle! His left shoulder was shattered with numerous broken vertebrae. His spinal cord’s damage almost guaranteed paralysis. All our experts concluded that the only option was to place him in a medical induced coma. By doing this a person’s body can heal at a much faster rate. The body is at rest and with little to no movement, no further damage can occur. I’ll let the doctor explain.

"I am truly sorry Mrs. Ronal. Your husband should have woken up a few weeks ago. Our reflex tests have shown that the healing was a success. He would most certainly be able to walk again with a few months of rehabilitation. That was the reasoning behind the medically induced coma. This procedure is not beyond the norm by any means. The unexplained phenomena in your husband’s case is him not waking up! We have tried various drugs and stimulants to induce waking. In my 40 plus years of experience I never seen anything like this! It’s as if something is preventing him from waking up. His Beta waves are off the charts. These are a type of brain waves that a present when we are mentally engaged.

"If these are present, he should be wide awake. Something is not adding up at all. We have him being monitored around the clock. Various sensors are recording any brain activity and changes in vital signs. We know that things like this can be hard on a family. Dr. Tolbert and I have a serious question to ask you. From our perspective and professional opinion, we think that Chris might not ever regain consciousness. We have tried everything and you even consented to us trying some experimental drugs! You must make a choice Mrs. Ronal. We can keep him on life support or he can be taken off it. We will give you some time to think about it."

The Darkness - by Oshay Peace - Part 4

Mom when is Dad going to wake up? I wish I knew Christopher but hopefully soon……I was just talking to the doctors and they think he could wake up any day now.

“Are you guys hungry?”

"Mom are you serious? Simone is always hungry!"

"Christopher, you shouldn’t say things like that about your little sister."

“Well its true! She is growing and being 8 years-old also would explain her urge to eat."

“Mom are you crying?” Asked Simone.

"I’m not it’s just this old hospital is so dusty and my allergies are flaring up again. Let’s go home and I’ll make us some lunch. I know we had an early start today and its already past noon. What would you guys like to have for lunch? But before we go let’s all go say goodbye to your father."

As the family walks into the room a nurse is busy adjusting an IV bag on a hanger above the bed. A seemingly lifeless body, lies still with countless sensors attached to any bare skin not covered. Several electronic monitors are active showing numbers and other vital readings.

“Dad looks like he’s just sleeping Mom.”

"I know Chris, kind of like when he falls asleep watching the evening news…… Maybe he can hear us if we talk to him."

“Dad please wake up!”

“Please Daddy!”

“You promised to teach me how to ride my new bike!”

"Simone don’t cry, I promise he’ll teach you how! Isn’t that right Mom!"

"Yes, Chris he will! We all love you Honey and will be standing right here when you open your eyes. All right kids, give your Daddy a kiss and tell him just how much we love him." The wife and kids are all standing by his bedside and Simone is grasping an open hand that suddenly closes firmly against hers! “MOM!” Dad is squeezing my hand!

                                                 *                           *                          *

My heart pounded loudly after the shot rang out in defiance, against such incomprehensible fear! The glowing object had stumbled back from the hit! It became stationary, just floating there among the burning brush and trees. A great feeling of confidence flooded, once icy veins with such a great warmth of spirit. I could beat this! I refuse to cower like some baby behind a tree! “FUCK YOU!” I got up and dropped my rifle and ran as fast as I could toward the light! It’s time for me to end this! When my body is found, they will say he fought tooth and nail to end! This man left this world in a blaze of glory! He wasn’t a cowered who pissed his pants before he died in the fetal position! I refuse to be that guy! As I ran a distant voice called out me………It was Simone!


Where are you baby? What did she mean by wake up? This is not making any sense at all! Just what Hell is going on here? At that moment, my feet began to leave the ground! Something is lifting me up! The sphere is now moving towards me with a great purpose. “YOU WILL NOT LEAVE THIS PLACE!” A deep voice bellowed loudly from the direction of the sphere………