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Convenient Love, by Melting Heart - Part 3

Lucinda, the woman who had claimed to be Stacy’s mother waited in the wait room for feedback from the Dr, as much as she didn’t care, she was concerned, 
“Dr is everything okay?”, her tone was more of a curious one than a concerned one
“Yes mam, everything is okay, it was just the baby, I gave her an injection for the pain but she is perfectly fine”, the Dr rubbed her back, gave her a calm smile and walked off. Lucinda walked into Stacy’s ward and watched her sleep, the small body of a young girl contained an even smaller body of another girl, she stared at her emotionless, her mind wandered off to the whereabouts of the father, he didn’t send her there , she didn’t know where she was, she just got people to keep an eye on Stacy and her brothers to keep them safe. 
Troy ran in, “I rushed here as soon as I...” the moment he saw her lying there, he fearfully walked towards Stacy, unaware of Lucinda’s presence, he held her hands and kissed her on the forehead and laid the side of the head on the stomach, he smiled, a pure genuine smile, he closed his eyes for a while as if he and his daughter were having a moment of their own. Lucinda cleared her throat, in shock he got up and greeted her
“Hi, I am Lucinda, a friend of Stacy’s.
Well.. I’m friends with her father”, not wanting to raise suspicion or give away too much she smiled and gave him a handshake. She explained what had happened to Stacy at home and the Dr’s report on her
“So she can leave?”
“Yes she can,” Lucinda analysed the boy, his looks, his hopeful eyes which held the key to his soul, she loved him, she loved him for Stacy.
He went into the room and watched her sleep, she was all types of beautiful and broken but that was what made him fall in love with her all over again. Her beauty, her natural beauty, her messed up brown hair, her delicate eyelashes, her skin so soft, her heart so pure. He wanted to do more than just love her. 

She woke up, the blurred picture of him struck her soul and she knew who it was, it was Troy, her Troy, the boy who held all of her emotions in one hand and so carefully, her weakness, her strength, her love... her boyfriend, the father of her child. Her vision cleared and shr saw him perfectly, he was smiling and in tears, 
“You look so beautiful when you’re asleep”, he held her hand and gently kissed it then rubbed it, “I rushed here as soon as possible, after they called me I went high speed running to this place, are you okay angel?” , concern dancing in his eyes she smiled, she loved it when he showed he cared coz it made her feel deeply loved.
“Yes I am fine babe”, they gave each other such promising looks, looks that gave them hope, it promised a future, a future worth the wait, two inseparable lovers who are held together by the key to their hearts, their baby. 

Troy and Stacy looked like the perfect couple, but they’ve been to hell and back
The one time Troy had a relapse and disappeared for 3 whole months, it was right after Stacy had told him she was pregnant, she couldn’t cope well, couldn’t do anything.

“Can we talk?”, she was nervous, didn’t know how to react or what emotion to show, Troy had been through so much at the time that telling him about the pregnancy would torment him,
“What is it Stace?”, he sighed, resting his head on his palms, one would easily sense he was in distress, his mind wandered off to an unknown world. His dad had recently arrived wanting love back from his mother, she gave him a chance and he had beat her up, trying to defend her, he got kicked out. His heart ached for the soldier he saw in a woman. 
“Troy, I am pregnant”, she looked down in shame, She didn’t know how to react, to be responsible or not, to act towards the situation or not, she would just go with what Troy said, even if it meant hurting her. He didn’t react, he just sat there staring into space, it seemed as if he was still absorbing the thought of it all, the soul had been through enough and a pregnancy was the last thing he needed to hear. “what do you want to do with this baby?”, he rubbed his hands together and stared into her stomach, her belly wasn’t visible at that time but he stared at it as if he saw something. A part of him was inside of her, a life, he brought that life into her. It was a wake up call he couldn’t take. 
“I don’t know... well I do..”, she fiddled with the promise ring that Troy had given her a week back, “I mean..”, she continued, “I want to keep the baby, I’ve grown to love it and I really want to keep it. This is not me trying to burden you or anything, I understand you’re going through a lot I just thought telling you now would give us time to think about what to say to our parents, it’s going to show quite soon and when we wait longer, it’ll show quicker.” Still she was facing down fiddling with everything she could get her hands on, he stared at her, his eyes made her heart melt yet again they brought across fear, she was out of words and so was he, he never contained any in the beginning. 
After a long while he spoke, “Stacey? You know I love you.. I hope it’s love.. but.. I don’t know”, with a tone of uncertainty, she felt his words penetrate deep into the fragmented parts that made her whole, was he doubtful? Would he want her to abort it ? She was scared of his next move. “I mean.. I know it’s a baby but it’s a huge responsibility and a huge step I’m not ready to take.” He got up and took a deep heavy breathe, rubbing his hands on his face, hoping this whole moment was a dream, he looked at her, “I have to go” then he walked away... just like that... she was broken, she got inside the house and slept. The rest of her days were spent indoors, his calls went to voicemail, he never called back, nobody heard anything about him and at that time she felt alone, abandoned, once again.

Sleeping on the hospital staring into the eyes she dearly loved.
“Stacey, honey let’s go home”, said Lucinda, 
“No. I don’t want to go home with you”, Stacey replied in such an angry manner, she didn’t trust Lucinda, her gut feeling told her not to.
“What’s going on?”, he was curious and confused, the tension between Stacey and Lucinda required deep attention. “You haven’t been around for a day and you’re already having problems? Can somebody fill me in?”, Lucinda squinted and left the room angry, her shoes leaving an expensive heel mark on the floor. Troy was confused, Stacey got up and he helped her. 

On their way home Troy took the moment to inform Stacey on the plans that his mother was plotting. 
“My mom wants us to leave”, he sighed, looking straight ahead with his hands tightly holding the steering wheel
“Oh, do you want to leave?”, her voice held no emotion, she sounded blank, tired, powerless, the last thing she needed was bad news. “Stace what kind of a question is that? Why would I want to leave you? You are carrying my baby”, his speed decreased, he drove slower as they turned at the corner by her house. She kept quiet, she wasn’t in the mood to talk, something overwhelming was taking away her energy. He stopped across her house and turned to look at her, what was he feeling? He had to be honest with himself and with her, “Are you sticking around just coz of the pregnancy or what?”, the question was a shocker to him, “Stacy what do you mean? Baby I love you and this baby is going to keep us together” He sounded certain and scared....